Membership Info

Membership of the Association is open to all past and present CSR Group employees and their partners. There is no length of service requirement for membership. The Application form does request details of the area in which the person was employed and the length of time served for Administration purposes but this is not essential.

There is currently no joining fee and the Annual Membership fee of $20.00 entitles members to attend functions at a reduced rate.

The principal reason setting up the Website is to enable members to stay in touch with other previous employees who are also members. The Website is Password protected and new members are given a Login name and Password. Once logged in members can access information enabling them to contact other members who have agreed to have their details available.

The information on members  can only to be used to contact other members and is not to be sent to other individuals who are not members.

Members who provide an email address will receive advance notices of any functions being organised such as lunches, cruises, cocktail party, golf days etc. Additionally, Notices of Membership Renewal, Annual and General Meetings will also be sent.

Members without email addresses can on request receive some of this information by post.

Click here to join  our Association online or download the Member Application Form PDF